Sunday, September 04, 2005

America In Exile

We barely noticed it at first. Most of us didn't recognize it for what it was. But now we can't help noticing. 2005: This is what happens when you take your time-honored democracy for granted.

Incredibly to most of us, we in the U.S. have been losing ours steadily, almost unnoticeably (though now with brazen rapidity) to the concerted efforts of drastically over-moneyed interests, fundamentalists pushing upon everyone religious ideas shared by few, and politicians and media outlets who cater to them both at the expense of We the people. Our own gullibility and semi-conscious willingness to indulge our baser instincts haven't helped.

As an ever-widening spectrum of books, articles, news stories, and blogs have been intoning and, by now, droning: America has left the United States.

The questions are: what's going on, and how do we regain the principles that for 200 years have made us a mostly shining example to the world?

How do we get America back?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The questions are: what's going on, and how do we regain the principles that for 200 years have made us a mostly shining example to the world?"

Some would argue that the principles that make America great are alive and well... thanks to George W. Bush, and in spite of constant Faithless Liberal attempts to destroy the freedom-loving principles most Americans cherish.

A more appropriate question might be: when in the past 200 years did Liberals begin to hate Freedom and God so much?

9/07/2005 11:20 AM  
Blogger John said...

Wow... that's amazing. How long does the blog have to be up before a right-winger finds it and posts something?

Even if "freedom lover" is a real sentient being (it watches Bill O'Reilly, so i'm not sure) or not, one thing the right always gets wrong is that we (the left) hate "god." I'm only speaking for myself, but I certainly don't hate god... just the twisted particular version that seems to be flavored by the christian far-right.

9/11/2005 9:37 PM  

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